Songwriting, Pre-Production, Mixing & Mastering Studio of Trenton Woodley (Producer)

Collisions is a small, purpose-built music studio specialising in songwriting, pre and post-production and artist development. Situated at the southern tip of Australia’s Hunter Valley region, it is the creative home of Trenton Woodley, vocalist and key songwriter for internationally acclaimed rock band Hands Like Houses.

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Built from the ground up inside a repurposed shipping container, the studio has been designed to be a focused, comfortable, calming and creative space, perfect for capturing heartfelt takes and inspired performances.


As a trained and experienced vocalist in live and studio environments, Trenton specializes in distilling ideas and melodies, focusing phrasing and rhythm and developing effective vocal techniques in recording, to produce memorable and cohesive vocal tracks that stand out in a crowded musical space.


Trenton is a firm believer in ‘ear over gear’ – relying only on a focused but evolving selection of software plugins and outboard processing as creative tools, rather than as defining characteristics of his workflow and sound. As such, there’s no gear list of high end, vintage and boutique equipment to be found here – just a commitment to making songs and music that mean something.

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